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An entry from a few days ago that I hope Val doesn't read before she comes to see me tomorrow.
May 04, 2006 @ 1:08 am

This entry is from May 1st, 2006.

I am writing to you from the comfort of a green chair at the Calgary airport. After searching for a place to attach my laptop for about a half hour, I realized that although such stations do exist, they don't come with complimentary cords. So I decided to see if the airport has wireless service, and it does! For the low low price of $10/hour or $15/24 hours, I can have wireless internet access. That makes me wish I had packed my cords in my bookbag instead of in my suitcase, because now I have internet usage until I leave this place but only power enough for about two hours. Then I will be stuck with my iPod movies. But it's okay, I put all my Rainbow Brite episodes and "The Last Unicorn" and Family Guy movie and Napoleon Dynamite on the ol' iPod so that will keep me busy (until that needs recharging). After that, I will sleep and read magazines.

I really want to lay across these three slightly different tinged green chairs and fall asleep like that guy in the white over there, but I would probably miss my flight or end up in Guatemala!

I am talking to Holly and Valerie right now and it's taking all of my energy not to tell them I am in an airport. They know I can't get service in my airport, and they would wonder why I am in Calgary.

The wireless seems intent on constantly reminding me that I am connected.

The flight attendant on that last flight was a blonde hair extension bitch. She didnt even talk, she just turned on that little recording and did the motions. Her hair looked like plastic. She reminded me of that one on CorpEx with the 1,000lb makeup.

I miss Jason. Even though he seems to like Corry more than me, I really like him. He's a lot better than Kurt, that's for sure. And he's so damn cute with his tanned head and little white body.

Oh my God, I need to stop being a moron.

The flight for Vancouver is leaving now, and white-clothed man is still sleeping. I hope he is going to Toronto at midnight too, and not Vancouver, because if he wants to go to Vancouver, he is missing his plane.

Oh, he is leaving.

Photographer Man is waiting until the last possible minute to put away his laptop and board his plane. He's been hogging the plug-in internet all evening... Newspaper Man was apparantly using this space without it being his gate. NOT ALLOWED!

I am done writing because all the people I want to talk about are leaving.

I think Holly is on to me.

piikki says:
so when does katie arrive?

[tiffa] says:
i dont know, i wanted to come drive her back, but i cant afford to leave. right now shes practically homeless i think but she is staying with friends, she might have to fly here

piikki says:

[tiffa] says:
so i dont know
[tiffa] says:
all i know is, i could go for a bbq hot dog

piikki says:
piikki says:
poot little katie

[tiffa] says:
well even if she does come here she would only get like 2 months of work in and it would be almosst worthless. she wanted to be back for august so she can be with her boyfriends


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