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Cast List
January 11, 2005 @ 1:00 pm

I figured it was high time for a cast list. I think I've made one before but I don't quite recall.


I love Holly. She is truly unlike anyone I have ever met. Although she and I have had our differences I think we've worked our way through it and are now on solid ground. She is smart and pretty and I am almost always jealous of her. Plus she can skate, which I cannot do. And she's tall, which I cannot do. Grump.

Jenn and I have been friends since birth. She has lived in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario but we still manage to be really good friends, and I normally get to see her once or twice a year, in the summer and at Christmastime.

Katie and I have been friends since sixth grade, except she didn't like me until seventh grade. We have some good memories together, including pretending to be mad at each other all day to upset Dusty, and then getting on her bus together at the end of the day and watching his confused face while we laughed. We are still friends to this day and everything we've done in the last year has only made us closer.

Although we've grown apart since starting university, I still consider Katrina one of my best friends. She and I have been friends since sixth grade.

Kendra and I met in 2003 in our Biology 1006 lab. She was my partner and soon we were friends. Although we never really spent that much time together, we did manage to talk about important things and bond. She moved back to Ottawa after her first year at UNB and I haven't seen her for awhile, but we still talk on MSN and send each other letters.

I've known Kyle since elementary school and we used to be friends back in the day, but we just finally became good friends during 2004, when I lived with Holly and Val on Gregg Court. He's incredibly sarcastic and funny, and I highly recommend you read his diary if you can handle it.

Lindsay and Katie are cousins, and I've heard quite enough about them looking like twins. People who can't tell them apart are just ignorant. Linds and I go back to the middle school days, when she and Jenifer used to make fun of anyone and everyone, making for an enjoyable lunch break. Linds is much stronger than people make her out to be.

I've known of Manda since sixth grade, but I believe it was tenth (correct me if I'm wrong) when we worked together on a play that never happened. From then on we were friends, which I thoroughly enjoy.

I met Tianne when I worked at the Dollarama and we became friends. She asked me to be her roommate this year and so I did. Unfortunately our apartment was the crappiest dump in the world. She is one of the only reasons I had so much fun this year, seeing as how she forced me to go out to parties and to the bars on several occasions.

Val tends to be a bit accident-prone and doesn't update regularly, but I love her anyway. I even got to make her a certificate for Most/Worst Accidents of 2004! She works a lot but I managed to get to know her pretty well in the last year, and I even got to share some Random Tuesday events with her.

Other People I Might Mention

Billy, my cousin, who I used to live with from August 2003 to January 2004. His house is never empty, or if it is, it's not for long.

Brandon is Lindsay's (scroll down) twin brother who isn't home much. Actually I probably won't talk about him much at all.

The woman I am staying with. She is outrageous and funny most of the time, when she's not sleeping or out playing Bingo.

We found Frank in the summer while trying to con people into a Meetup. He's been with us ever since. Awww.

This is a different Lindsay than before. This is the Lindsay that lives in Fort McMurray that I am staying with. I love her she is hilarious and makes a really good retarded person impression.

Louis saved my car early in 2004 and we talk on the internet. For awhile I thought I had feelings for him but now I know I was sexually frustrated. Muahaha.


It's pretty obvious who my family is. Mom, Dad, Sister (Abbey), Aunt this or Uncle that. The only trouble you might have is with cousins, which include: Billy, Rae, Missy, Amy, Sean, Shannon, Marlee, Emily, and Shannon's husband Tim and their son Jonah.

It turns out, I do have another cast list. You can view it here, but I can guarantee it's out of date, for the most part.

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