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When life is good, my entries get boring.
April 25, 2006 @ 10:54 am

Not a lot has been going on lately. I've been spending a lot of time sleeping, working, and hanging out with Jason. He has practically moved in here, which I don't mind because he does dishes.

Summer is here, in full force. During the day it goes as high as 24 degrees, at night though it sits around 8 or so. It snowed on Saturday a bit but I don't think we can expect much more of that.

Daylight is getting really long again, so much so that I sometimes don't get my work done early enough because I think it's earlier than it is. Soon I will be leaving the airport at 10:30pm and it will be dusk. I love that part of the year.

I've really got nothing to complain about today. I guess I could tell you that I bought some new panties yesterday and they are one size too small, even though they are the same size I always buy, and I haven't gained any weight, so they must make them smaller now.

I bought some of that Veet crap to use as a shaving replacement and didn't get it all off the back of my legs after I was done so now I have a rash. Last night it was a burning rash. It felt like someone had dragged the back of my legs across rocky terrain to get the skin nice and rough and then lit them on fire. Of course, no one did that, I just missed a spot in my cleanup. But I wiped it off and put on some Olay and now it's just a little red and bumpy sans pain.

I love writing about rashes.

I had a granola bar and blue koolaid for breakfast. Now I am so cold I might go back to bed while the laundry runs.

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