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We are like day and night.
April 27, 2006 @ 11:25 am

It's Thursday. I have one shift left before my theoretical weekend starts.

Yesterday Anny sat me down and told me why I couldn't go on days. She likes having her nights off. I told her the person on nights doesn't like night shift. I don't think she understands just how close she is to losing me. I am tired of feeling like I am working a part time job, because I'm not. I'm not getting enough hours and she is going to hire some Joe Blow off the street to work days when I have been here for a year and a half and may not be attending school in the fall.

I have decided to be Madonna. Not the Madonna you are all thinking of, but the Madonna that used to manage the dollar store I worked for. I will live my life out as an uneducated store manager making $2 above minimum wage. My life won't be easy but I'll get by. I may drink and smoke a little more that what is considered the norm, but I will be generally happy.

I mean, people strive for educations to make something of themselves and be whoever they were told they should be. But I'm happy working at Budget. The pay is great, better than any job advertised in the paper, the people are nice, the work is fairly simple. I hate how repetitive it is, but I would deal with it because I love the simplicity.

But Anny has taken my dream away. My new, easy dream. I can't work Monday to Friday 7 to 3, and spend afternoons and evenings with friends and family. I can't wake up early and go to bed early. I can't get things done during the afternoon. Because Anny is selfish. If I go on days, she will have to work to train people at night. She wants to hire enough people to be able to take 2 weeks off this summer, and she wants me to train them. She has got 4 more people lined up to work at this very moment, 1 part time the rest full time.

When she told me what she wants Katie to work when she gets here, it will be a whopping 4 days a week, even though I told her Katie would need full time hours to justify her coming out here.

So now I'm in a dilemma. Do I cut my wage $2 an hour (at least) and give up my $300-600 a month incentive bonus and go work during the day? Or do I hash it out at night until Anny gives me what I want?

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