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And to top it all off, I have to pee!
February 13, 2008 @ 7:49 am

So this morning I kissed my boyfriend goodbye as he set off for a new job wearing new boots and new jeans. He was wearing other things, but they weren't new.

Me being the positive thinker I am, expect him to walk back in the door any minute now fuming that he couldn't find the place, and he hates it here, and he wants to go home. Oh my God the outside door just opened. False alarm it was someone down the hall.

Well I hope he really enjoys himself today. He hates sitting more than I hate moving, and it was almost painful to watch him wasting away every day. He would much rather be busy. I can handle that.

In other news, my job search has been fruitless. I've been looking for a job here for a month and a half almost, with NOTHING. I've had a few phone interviews, which I think is the height of laziness, and one real interview. My guess is the guy who did my real interview found out I was pregnant. Thanks, Facebook.

I went to high school with him for one year. I think he was a friend of my cousins. After contemplating why I hadn't heard from the company for a week and a half, I searched his Facebook and found out that although he's not on my friends list, 10 of my friends are on his, and they could have easily relayed the info that I am in a family way.

So there goes my chance at way above minimum wage, full time. The best I can hope for now is some shitty part time job where I have to stand the whole time and smile at people and be like, "I love everything about you, and you can do no wrong." Because that's how customer service works.

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