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February 17, 2008 @ 4:14 pm

Remember my last entry where I worried my boyfriend wouldn't be long getting home? I was right. I was wrong about why, but I was right that he came home.

There was a big snowstorm that day. Only the fifty millionth since I got here at the end of December. And the forecast is for four more days of snow next week. Where do I live?

Today isn't a good day. I didn't do the dishes. So Jamie did them, and made supper. So now I feel really super bad. He should be watching Daytona 500. He's a boy.

I mean, I can't cook, but I can do dishes.

Well I love awkwardness. I think I make things awkward. I just don't know how to handle situations, so I try to ignore them and pretend they aren't there.

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