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I need to stop eating at night.
March 20, 2008 @ 12:34 am

I don't really have anything to talk about, but I can't sleep and the Internet is boring.

We need to get out of this apartment. The person upstairs wakes up at like, midnight and proceeds to roll large, vibrating noises across the entire apartment until 3 or 4 every morning. I don't know what they are always dropping but it's heavy.

Also the pine needle infestation is continuing, after numerous vacuumings and sweepings.

So I asked my mom if she would consider buying a cheap place, and renting it to us, because all the other apartments in this area are either more disgusting but cheaper, or way more expensive and a bit nicer.

She said she would, but under fifty grand our only choices are mini homes, which isn't bad because it's all on one level and no creepy basement.

We will see how this pans out. I will miss my brown shag carpet.

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