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My fingers are still numb from too much DS
March 18, 2008 @ 10:48 am

Yesterday was a wonderful and horrible day.

I started out the day by getting a call from EI Guy saying he didn't think I had a chance of getting EI benefits because I left work on my own, blah blah.

Then I went downtown to apply for social assistance but all they gave me was a card with a 1-800 number on it, so wasted trip downtown. I made it a bit worthwhile by walking to get a Medicare form, which I could have just printed out at home, if I had a printer.

So wasted trip downtown, but I got wind burn! Yesss.

Then I got home and called the number on the secret card, and long story short I fucked up what I said and have to call back in a couple of days and fix my story. No one really wants to help anyone, you know.

I can't get EI because I'm too nice, and I can't get social assistance because I don't like lying. Well that seems fair, doesn't it?

Anyway so then I cried. Not hard, I was trying not to, but I had just had enough. After six weeks of no idea what was going on with EI and then realizing that nice guys really do finish last, I was just heartbroken.

I tried to hide it from Jamie but he caught me, and he got really upset too, and we decided that enough was enough, if he didn't find work here soon he was out of here, and he would send for me whenever he finds work and a home.

This will suck majorly, but I've been here for three months with no job, and he's been here almost two, and it is just ridiculous.

The good part of the day was that I had my ultrasound, and found out I am having a boy! I am really scared because I don't know much about little boys, I've really only been around little girls, but I'm sure I will have lots of advice and "motherly instinct".

And when I got home from that, I had an awesome nap where I didn't dream about kittens paralyzing other kittens, and having $9 at Subway and wanting to buy my dad a Coke, because that's what I dream about all night.

I've decided I am just going to have naps from now on, like that famous smart guy. I don't know which one.

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