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I'm gonna go play Scrabble now
April 23, 2008 @ 9:04 pm

I keep having retarded dreams, about Katelyn's inflatable sheep and about the high school cafeteria.

Last night Holly, Val, Tyler that used to live at Kyle's and I were all at my Grammie's house, and Holly was making apple crumble and shepherd's pie in the same pan. And there was a bicycle there.

Then we went to the high school to order food and I really wanted the mini pizzas that they always sold there, but they only had this really weird pasta, it was like giant spaghetti, and it had a really extravagant name but I can't remember what it was.

So I got fries.

Now all I want is one of those damn little pizzas.

Today Val and Holly and I had a fun lunch, and then Val and I went to the mall where I found a Scrabble game for Jamie because he loves it. I hate Scrabble, I am horrible at it.

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