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28 Weeks and 3 Days
May 11, 2008 @ 12:30 am

I have been trying to get my sleep schedule back on track for the last two nights. The first night I was asleep before 1:00 am and woke up around seven to pee and never went back to bed. I caught a ten minute nap during the end of Jurassic Park 2 but stayed awake all day.

I went to bed at midnight but stayed up reading until about 1:00 am again and it took me a few minutes to fall asleep but not many.

At four in the morning I woke up and figured I must have to pee or something but really I was having a terrible lower left back pain that kind of throbbed sharply. Like it was always present but it would get worse every few minutes, so bad I thought I would throw up.

I got up and tried to pee in the bathroom, and the pain subsided a bit by the time I got back to my room, and now it feels better to be sitting up. The unfortunate bit is that I am still tired and want to go back to sleep.

If it continues I will have to seek medical help. I don't think it has anything to do with the baby, it feels more like it could be a pinched nerve or something, but you never know and I definitely don't want to cause the baby any unnecessary harm or stress.

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