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Like The Sink
October 14, 2004 @ 5:44 pm

I worked today.

At the very end a boy came in and bought a Coke, which comes to $1.60, with his debit card, and while it was processing (it took unusually long) he told me all about how he hopes it goes through because he spent over $1000 paying fines that he got.

Also I can run lottery now.

In other news, I have to clean my room and the dishes tonight. Therefore tonight will be no fun. In fact, I am looking forward to the end of tonight when I can get back into bed. This morning when I woke up I was entirely too comfortable to have to wake up. Luckily I only pressed snooze once and made it to work on time.

I'm the Queen of pressing snooze and then missing important things. Or setting my alarm for pm and missing things like: exams, work.

I should go get started on the dishes or else I just might explode.

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