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Random Tuesday
June 02, 2004 @ 1:30 pm

Last night was Random Tuesday for Val's work so a bunch of people came over and so did Katie, Lindsay and Louis.

So everyone (well not everyone but everyone was acting crazy) was drunk and Danny took his clothes off. He came into my room and shouted at Katie: "You're sleeping on the floor! And I have no clothes on!" and then ran out into the street where the paparazzi were waiting to take pictures to blackmail him with in the future.

I have to work tomorrow for 13 hours in which I will probably be on cash for 8 or more. I hate being a girl who is young and is supposedly only good for manning a cash register.

Anyway I am hungry and want to go home. Except I don't have internet there and don't want to miss anything important.

Maybe by tomorrow we will have the internet. Sigh.

I will just have to read or something today, maybe go to the gym, oh I have to go to the bank. What a busy day.

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