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Sneezing Frightens Me
January 05, 2005 @ 2:27 pm

I've been refining my diary a bit today: adding a links page, a page of books I've read in boring Fort McMurray, a page of people's diaries that I read, and of course linking Quotebook cannot be done too many times. Also, instead of dedicating an entire entry to why I chose bluerelic as my username (this is apparantly a new fad), I just changed my title to the reason. Well not really the reason but the explanation as to where it came from.

I might have a job at Budget. Last night when I picked up dad from work his boss called Cornelius at Budget and said I was a good choice to hire, or whatever. Anyway, today when I dropped off my resume the woman said she would make a schedule for me and call me this afternoon.

So now I'm just waiting.

And I didn't put any money in the meter at the airport. I am evil, but one of these days I am going to get caught.

Otherwise there's not much going on in my life, I pretty much do the same thing every day. Wake up, waste a day, go to bed. I almost got caught up in a whirlwind of depression a couple of days ago, and did in fact get to the point where I didn't want anyone to talk to me, but I've pulled myself out of that one with my huge emotional muscles.

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