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A Taste Of My Day
January 08, 2005 @ 9:31 pm

Today I have PMS. That is the extent of my emotions. Therefore I stayed in bed till about 2, and then showered, and then went back to bed. Of course, by "stayed in bed" I mean read, and "went back to bed" I mean read.

Then dad and I went to Walmart so I could get new socks and underwear, which I am so excited to wear, but unfortunately I can't wear them all at the same time.

Now I am eating Old Dutch chips. They are Sour Cream and Onion, but I'm pretty sure they could be advertised as Sour Cream and Onion and Salt, and that would be more of the truth.

I have made $120 in the last 2 days. And I have worked 12 hours in the last two days. By the end of tomorrow I will have made $200 and I will have worked 20 hours. How much do I make per hour?

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