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Year In Review: 2004
January 03, 2005 @ 12:00 am

Okay well I have a job interview tomorrow at Hertz. I don't really know what the job is, but any job means money to vacation to beautiful, balmy New Brunswick. Actually I would rather vacation to BC or something, but my loving friends are back in NB, and I love them.

I am currently the only person up at the house, everyone else is either out or in bed. I'm going there soon as well, but for now I might as well keep myself awake as long as possible.

So I guess the girl I found to sublet my place only wants to pay 5 months of rent, which is fucking great. Well when she gets out of there she'd better mail me back the key so I can stay there if I visit during the summer, and she better not be in there freeloading, cause I'm not having any of that. I am so pissed, she said she would stay until the lease was up, and then she comes back from her Merry Christmas vacation like the fucking Grinch, stealing my joy by stealing over $600 from me in June and July, when I will want to be vacationing. Oh, not to mention I will be paying my parents upwards of $400 a month to live with them here. So in June and July, I get to pay a grand total of over $1400. WASTED.

But what else is new? Let's go over some of the things I've wasted in this last year:
1. Over $10 000 in University expenses, living expenses, groceries, cab fare, booze, junk food.
2. 5 months with Craig.
3. 2 semesters at UNB (1 more was back in 2003)
4. Time that could have been better spent: getting a degree, learning something useful, getting a better paying job, getting in shape (HA I've been going on about that one for years now), taking care of myself.

So basically, last year was a total waste. Things I've done last year that were good for me:
1. Broke up with Craig.
2. Took the job at the Connell House.
3. Moved back home in the summer.
4. Being in redshirts.
5. Taking Chinese.

So there you have it: I am destined to only be happy when I am alone and at home. I had so much fun this summer working at the Connell House, and coming home and my family who love and support me was there. Sure I had bad days. And sure I had good days while I wasted all of last year.

Some good things I will never be able to forget are:
1. Moving into Val and Holly's back in January.
2. Spending lunch with Kendra at the meal hall.
3. Discovering Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
4. Going to Subway sooo late.
5. Actually knowing what was going on in Passions.
6. Seeing the space ship on the way through the path onto Gregg Court.
7. Craig's breakfasts.
8. Tigers.
9. When Kyle downloaded the Paris Hilton video on my computer and the next day System32.exe was missing.
10. Calculus 1003.
11. Dollarama.
12. Not finishing "Dracula".
13. Going to the 'Nut.
14. Nana's car breaking down on Regent Street, during rush hour, in the middle of winter.
15. Playing in playgrounds at night.
16. Danny and the List of Amazing Things.
17. Bookcrossing with Manda.
18. Joey Drugs moving in causing us to move out.
19. Being included in Random Tuesday.
20. Kyle's dance shows.
21. Working at the Connell House.
22. Redshirts!
23. Tianne and Kyle forcing me to have fun.
24. Mexi's.
25. Having a crush on a man in a wheelchair.
26. Mill shutdown.
27. Movin' to Alberta.

I think I remembered everything. But anyway, I'm gonna archive my shit and get to bed. I have an interview in the morning.

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