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Danger homes
April 03, 2008 @ 3:53 pm

So we looked at all the houses, it took us 3 hours.

We have to choose between three pretty decent places, I think. One might be too old, if it is older than 25 years we can't mortgage it so we will be down to two. It is lovingly referred to as "Henry's House", because when we got there there was a really old couple who were selling it and poor old Henry was just chatting away. It is the cheapest, but it has a very interesting layout that we liked. And it had a built in cassette stereo!

The second one was pretty much perfect, on an acre of land, even the paint colors were awesome. And it had a bathtub in the master bedroom, which could be fun!

The third one had amazing windows, and a deck in the front and back, a sort of creek or stream running next to the acre of property, storage barns, etc. It had an amazing kitchen as well, but a wood stove for heat, which could be very dangerous around a young child.

Of all the times when I need my mother's home-buying savvy, she is out running errands! How dare she have a life!

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