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Cast List
February 05, 2002 @ 9:25 pm

Diaryland & School:

Manda: She's my best online friend and probably my best offline friend. Although we've known each other since sixth grade, we just connected last year.

Val: A fellow student and diarylander, I can't help being charmed by Val's incredible ability to be cute all of the time and make me laugh.

Holly: She's incredibly smart and always honest, able to come up with insanely fun stories right off the top of her head. Ask her about her boyfriend Mike (if you have ten or fifteen minutes!)

Linds: A friend since seventh or eighth grade, Linds is enjoyable and always has a fun story to tell. She's going to UWindsor next year and I'm really gonna miss her!!!


Dementor/Ice Queen: Although I've never mentioned her real name (protecting the innocent, I suppose), this is my 'friend' who I sometimes like and sometimes don't. We've been friends since grade six, but we're slowly going our own separate ways, with her taking the nerdy route.

Scab: Friends since grade seven! Whenever I have a stupid or pointless story to tell, Scab always relates, and pitches in with a cute little story of her own.

Craig: Well, I don't really know him from school anymore, since he graduated, but I didn't want to make up a whole other category for him. He's my boyfriend, we've been together since June 11th, 2002. He's really nice and he's pretty, too. That's all for now.


Jenn: Aquaintances since birth (literally), Jenn has moved throughout Canada her whole life, helping me connect with people in her provinces and my own. Exhausting sometimes, fun other times.

Dustin: Actually, I don't know if I've ever talked about Dustin in here, but he's a friend of Jenn's from Winnipeg, and we had a little thing going on about three years ago.

Matt, Jeff, Tiago: Also from Winnipeg, they are friends or aquaintances of Jenn's that I have come to know. I've talked to Matt and Jeff for three years, and Tiago a few months at tops.

Kapil, Chris, Nate: These friends of Jenn live in Ontario where she lives now. Nate is her boyfriend I guess, but we used to pretend we were going out over the internet, when neither of us were with anyone. I only saw Chris and Kapil for one day, and Nate for several.

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